Common Lip & Tongue-Tie Symptoms – Arlington Heights, IL
What to Look Out For
Typically, parents (specifically mothers) who have a child with a lip or tongue-tie encounter the same collection of unpleasant symptoms, but many do not know they might stem from one problem. As a result, they tend to blame themselves, when in reality, the situation isn’t their fault. If you or your child experience any of the symptoms listed below, the cause could certainly be a lip or tongue-tie.
Why Choose All About Kids
for Lip & Tongue-Tie?
- Care Provided by Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist
- Convenient & Comfortable Laser Frenectomies
- Team Consists of Fellow Mothers
Common Symptoms for Babies

- Slow or stagnant weight gain
- Excessive fussiness or colic
- Frequent reflux or spit-up
- Prolonged or sporadic feedings
- Short or truncated feedings
- Large amount of drooling or clicking while feeding
- Mashing or biting the nipple while feeding
Common Symptoms for Nursing Mothers

- Breastfeeding is painful
- Nipples become red, swollen, or sensitive due to feedings
- Mastitis, nipple thrush, or blocked ducts
- Milk flow is insufficient
- Trouble getting baby to latch
- Unpredictable feeding schedule
Common Symptoms for Older Children

- Difficulty chewing hard or solid foods (like steak or apples)
- Frequent gagging, choking, or vomiting
- Oral pain when eating certain foods
- Problems with oral hygiene
- Speech impediment or delayed speech development
- Gastric/digestion problems
- Teeth crowding, crookedness, and other orthodontic issues
- SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) or snoring